
A detox for the mind

As we begin the new year there is always much talk of ‘detoxing’, giving our bodies a rest from the Christmas overload of alcohol, rich food, chocolates, cake. I noticed that my younger son is giving green tea a go, but I’m not sure how long that will last and how soon he will be back on the builders!

It is a really good idea to start the new year with a commitment to looking at how we can improve our health, but I would advise that its sensible to pick a particular thing – just one thing – that you know you can stick at, however small. A detox regime which consists of wheatgrass smoothies and tofu will not be sustainable, and research seems to back up the idea that it is the healthy habits which last are the ones that make most of a difference. Make it easy for yourself.

However, as well as paying attention to our bodies, it is even more essential to address what’s going on in our minds and maybe do a bit of a ‘detox’ there too. As I reported in a previous blog, stress can play havoc with our hormones, in particular leading to an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes weight gain particularly round the middle. Lack of sleep, too, can cause all sorts of physical and emotional problems, and it is generally thought now that the less good quality sleep we get, the heavier and unhealthier we tend to be.

It is sometimes difficult to fix ourselves, so why not consider contacting me for some hypnotherapy sessions? Whatever issues you have, whether it is a work/life balance problem, anxiety issues, particular difficult memories you would like to let go of, we really can look at the whole picture and find ways to help you feel so much better, not just in body but also in mind too.

I look forward to hearing from you soon – you can contact me on 01449 780352 or 07817158429, or you can email me on

Best wishes for a wonderful 2015
Wendy x