
The power of creativity

I was so pleased to read about Robbie Williams having reached a state of happiness. We are all aware of his past difficulties and it does seem now that he has finally found some peace at last.

This may in some ways be due to the steadying influence of his lovely wife Ayda and the joy of having children. He also seems to have been clean of any addictions for some time now.

I think that it could also be down to his having discovered a new creative outlet. With the architect who designed his house he has been working on some art which is now to be exhibited at Sotheby’s. Whether or not you like his work, I’m sure that the creative fulfilment he gets from this is a massive boost to his mental health.

I may have mentioned the concept of ‘flow’ before in my blog and this applies to the feeling you get when you become totally absorbed in an activity. This could be painting, music, sculpture, writing or indeed anything which engages the left hand side of your brain, that part of your mind connected to creativity, imagination and intuition.

I often advise my clients to devote time to creative endeavours. It doesn’t really matter about it being ‘good’, in any case everything is subjective, but to simply become completely absorbed in doing something which you love doing. It is like having a rest for the brain, switching the chattering side of the mind off.

Create away, Robbie.